Let’s play a little game! I will ask you a question and just answer it with the first thought that comes to mind. Don’t overthink it! 

Then, I will give you a few arguments, and let me know if your option is still the same or if it changed. Sounds good? Let’s start! 

Would you rather be a superhero or a supervillain? First thought! Don’t cheat!

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Hero to the Rescue

Wanting a better world, fighting for justice, and helping people are all priorities for a classic superhero. As for qualities, superheroes tend to have morals, be courageous, and seek the greater good. 

Even more, superheroes are often respected in societies and receive admiration and recognition from the public. They deserve it, right? They are fighting for our safety! 

But let’s not forget that superheroes are human beings after all. Don’t you think it’s tiring to be on the call at any second? 

You want to sleep? You can’t because the villain decided to rob a bank now! A superhero has to always accommodate the villain and watch out because the villain is after them.

Being a superhero could mean that your family isn’t safe. A villain could harm them to stop you. Also, being a superhero means sacrificing yourself to defeat the villain. Remember Tony Stark and Black Widow in Avengers: Endgame? Or you could get killed at the battle, just like Vision did in Avengers: Infinity War.

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Is Being a Villain Better?

Superheroes are cool, but is being a villain better? Well, some say it is, and here’s why.

Being a villain is linked to being spontaneous, free of responsibilities, and having an easier life. When you are a villain, you don’t have to go to school, work, and juggle personal commitments in between. You do what you want to do whenever you want to do it! 

But isn’t the hero always after me? True, but heroes “because they are such goody goods” won’t kill you. They are trying to “save you and fix you,” not kill you!

On the other hand, villains usually live their lives isolated and alienated. Their lack of morals and responsibility would lead others to prefer not to get close to them. Also, their actions of chaos and disruption could cause fear and distrust in their community, leading them to be feared and hated by the public. 

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