This Real Research survey looks into the upcoming summer vacation plans for 2024, exploring the diverse factors that influence individuals’ decisions when selecting their destinations. Watch this video to gain more insight on this topic.

🔹7 out of 10 respondents found it likely that high hotel and flight prices would impact their 2024 summer vacation plans.
🔹Over two-thirds prefer spending money on travel experiences rather than on material goods.
🔹66% said they are willing to spend more on travel experiences, even if it means paying higher prices.

For more detailed information on insights please visit the Real Research media platform. 


7/10 Say High Travel Costs Will Impact 2024 Summer Vacations

This Real Research survey looks into a study that showed how individuals offered cash incentives for weight loss were more successful in shedding pounds than those who didn’t receive any monetary rewards. Watch this video to learn more.


🔹7 in 10 people are more likely to join a weight loss program if there’s cash involved.
🔹Nearly 70% of people agreed with the theory behind the “Game of Stones” study, which psychologists call “loss aversion.”
🔹Almost 70% worry that cash rewards might make people more focused on the money than actually getting healthy.

For more detailed information on insights please visit the Real Research media platform.

70% Worry Incentivizing Weight Loss with Cash Can Be Unhealthy

This Real Research survey covers the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash in East Azerbaijan and the potential rise in Middle East tensions. Watch this video for more details.

🔹66% of respondents strongly agreed that the death of Iranian president could add to tensions in the Middle East.
🔹Over two-thirds are satisfied with the temporary appointment of Iran’s vice president as president.
🔹63% are not convinced that the Iranian president’s helicopter crash was an “accident.”

For more detailed information on insights please visit the Real Research media platform.

66% Fear Iranian President’s Death Will Escalate Middle East Tensions

This Real Research survey covers Israel’s decision to shut down Al Jazeera after citing that the news channel threatens national security. Respondents were asked about their opinions regarding Israel’s decision. Watch this video to gain more information about the situation.

🔹83% (somewhat likely: 53.24% + highly likely: 29.74%) anticipate a potential reversal of Israel’s closure of Al Jazeera.
🔹Al Jazeera poses a threat to national security, according to 83% of respondents.
🔹68% believed Israel closed Al Jazeera to censor reports on Gaza.

For more detailed information on insights please visit the Real Research media platform.


8/10 Expect Potential Reversal of Israel’s Closure of Al Jazeera

A report by Knight Frank India has highlighted a rise in “ghost malls,” where shopping centers remain empty due to the growth of online shopping and changing consumer habits. Moreover, high vacancy rates make it difficult for mall owners to attract tenants. This situation has led to conflicts over what deals or incentives are needed to fill these empty spaces. Real Research’s survey examines these critical factors, and this video presents the key findings.

🔹60% were aware of the Knight Frank report on the rise of ghost malls in India.
🔹Nearly 38% believe the increased preference for online shopping is the primary factor contributing to ghost malls.
🔹Attracting retailers with incentives (25%), marketing and promotions (20%), and repurposing the spaces (16%) are seen as potential solutions to ghost malls.

For more detailed information on insights please visit the Real Research media platform.


6 in 10 Know About India’s Growing Ghost Mall Problem

This Real Research survey covers an incident of massive flooding and landslides triggered by days of heavy rain in Brazil’s southernmost state, which has killed at least 90 people, with more than 130 still missing. Watch this video to learn more about this.

🔹Nearly half (44.38%) believe more aid is needed for rescue and relief efforts in the Brazil flooding.
🔹71% believe climate change contributed significantly to the severity of the Brazil floods.
🔹Over 95% anticipate negative economic repercussions, with half expecting a severe impact.

For more detailed information on insights please visit the Real Research media platform.

71% Blame Climate Change for Brutal Floods in Brazil

Is Google manipulating search results to favor its own products? Tuta Mail, a rival email service, accuses Google of burying them in search results for “encrypted email.” Real Research dives into the controversy to explore public opinion on user concerns and examine the EU’s investigation into Google’s practices. Find out if people think Google should be held accountable for this.

🔹69.95% support Tuta Mail co-founder Matthias Pfau’s demand to end Google’s unfair website visibility limitations.
🔹68.67% support investigations into Google’s alleged hindrance of rival email services.
🔹65.12% are aware of Google’s impact on rival email services.

For more detailed information on insights please visit the Real Research media platform.

70% Support Tuta Mail Co founder’s Call Against Google’s Website Visibility Limits

Some Gen Z individuals criticize older generations for relying too heavily on technology as a babysitting tool for children, whom Gen Z condescendingly refers to as “iPad kids.” Is it really a cause for concern or just another generational issue?

🔹 A survey on Gen Z condescending “iPad kids” found 89.32% agreeing that they are more prone to behavioral changes.
🔹 80.68% of the respondents think that Gen Z’s concerns about “iPad Kids” are justified.
🔹 69.20% think that older generations have been too lenient with their children’s screen time.

For more detailed information on insights please visit the Real Research media platform.

8/10 Believe iPad Kids Are Prone To Behavioral Changes