What makes you happy? 

What if I told you there’s a day dedicated to sunshine, smiles, and… uh… figuring out what makes you happy? And… The UN has named it the International Day of Happiness, observed on March 20, every year because “happiness is a fundamental human goal.” 

But let’s be honest, happiness isn’t a one-size-fits-all kind of deal. What makes your friend erupt in a happy dance might leave you bamboozled.

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Here’s the beauty: there’s no right or wrong answer. Happiness is a kaleidoscope, a unique blend of experiences, big and small, that light you up from the inside. In other words,  happiness is a sneaky little brat. It can hide in the folds of unexpected places. 

For some of us, happiness is an adventure. We crave that adrenaline rush, that feeling of pushing our limits. Maybe it’s conquering a new hiking trail, belting out karaoke like a rockstar, or even trying that funky new dance craze in your living room (because hey, nobody’s watching… or are they?).

On the other hand, some might find their zen in a perfectly quiet morning with a steaming cup of tea and a good book. Perhaps a long walk in nature, the sound of waves crashing on the shore, or getting lost in a creative hobby sparks pure joy.

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Remember, happiness isn’t a destination, it’s a journey. So put on your happy dance shoes (or comfy PJs, no judgment!), and embrace the adventure of finding what makes your soul sing!  

After all, a world filled with people who know how to cultivate their own happiness is a pretty darn happy world to live in. Let’s be the reason the happiness meter goes off the charts this International Day of Happiness and every day after!

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