Today is February 29, 2024, and for all those celebrating their birthdays, anniversaries, and special milestones in their lives, this day comes once every four years. In particular, Julia Alsop, a 28-year-old medical student from Warwickshire, blew off the seven candles on her birthday cake today. Although she is 28, Alsop says she has celebrated only 7 birthdays, as she is a “leapling.”

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According to the BBC, there is a 1 in 1,461 chance of a person being born on February 29; hence, some count it as special. However, being a leapling has its package of pros and cons. 60-year-old Jane Atkin, a primary school teacher who blew off 15 candles on her birthday, described the hassle of filling out an online form. 

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“Quite often I have to put in 28 February, which rankles, because that’s not my date of birth,” she says of the problematic dropdown forms. Nonetheless, she recalls a sweet memory where the 10 and 11-year-olds in her class felt amused that they were older than their teacher when she celebrated her eighth and ninth leap birthdays.

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There are 525,600 minutes in a typical calendar year. On leap years, there are 527,040 minutes. What will you do with the extra 1,440 minutes this leap year?