57% Validate ‘Resource Dilution’ for Teen Sibling Impact on Mental Health

57% Validate ‘Resource Dilution’ for Teen Sibling Impact on Mental Health

7 months ago 4 mins read

According to a large study of children in the United States and China, teens from larger families have poorer mental …

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Digital Addiction: 60.6% Claim Restricting Digital Devices Is Ineffective

Digital Addiction: 60.6% Claim Restricting Digital Devices Is Ineffective

10 months ago 3 mins read

With the introduction of phones in the modern era, a new issue has been noticed by several experts, parents, and …

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More Than Half (53.57%) Believe Sharenting Can Lead to Cyberbullying

More Than Half (53.57%) Believe Sharenting Can Lead to Cyberbullying

1 year ago 5 mins read

Sharenting, the practice of parents sharing their children’s moments online, may seem innocent, but it has repercussions in society. Oversharing …

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91.29% Say Both Genders Commonly Encounter Family Pressure

91.29% Say Both Genders Commonly Encounter Family Pressure

2 years ago 5 mins read

Mothers are timeless teachers in the classroom of life. Women, especially mothers, are the most influential educators. It has been …

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Over 38% Say Teenagers Spend More Than 8 Hours on Social Media Daily

Over 38% Say Teenagers Spend More Than 8 Hours on Social Media Daily

2 years ago 5 mins read

The Internet is influencing minors, turning them into ardent users of social media. With easy and increased access to social …

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Survey on Teenagers Using Social Media

Survey on Teenagers Using Social Media

2 years ago 2 mins read

The Internet is influencing minors, turning them into ardent users of social media. With easy and increased access to social …

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85.65% Say Kids in Their Families Use Digital Devices

85.65% Say Kids in Their Families Use Digital Devices

3 years ago 4 mins read

Technology has become an integral part of our society. These days every kid possesses an independent digital device. In detail, …

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Survey: Public Perception on Kids Using Digital Devices

Survey: Public Perception on Kids Using Digital Devices

3 years ago 2 mins read

Today, digital devices are not only an integral part of our lives but also a familiar thing in the everyday …

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The Majority of People State That Gender Does Not Matter When Adopting a Child

The Majority of People State That Gender Does Not Matter When Adopting a Child

3 years ago 4 mins read

Child adoption is a process where children who are not raised by their parents become full and permanent legal members …

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Survey: Public Perception on Child Adoption

Survey: Public Perception on Child Adoption

3 years ago 2 mins read

Being a parent is a huge responsibility. Those lucky enough to have the means and capability to raise a child …

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