Human Activity is the Main Cause of Climate Change, Reckoned Over 47%

Human Activity is the Main Cause of Climate Change, Reckoned Over 47%

1 year ago 7 mins read

Climate change is one of the main concerns in today’s world. The effects of the climate crisis are all over …

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28.89% Believe Cool Roofs Can Greatly Combat Climate Change

28.89% Believe Cool Roofs Can Greatly Combat Climate Change

1 year ago 4 mins read

Cool roofs are roofing systems designed to reflect sunlight and absorb less heat than traditional roofs. They lower indoor temperatures, …

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53.81 Acknowledge Human Activities’ Role in Global Warming and Himalayan Glacier Loss

53.81 Acknowledge Human Activities’ Role in Global Warming and Himalayan Glacier Loss

1 year ago 5 mins read

New research conducted in Nepal by the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) reveals that the ice and snow …

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More Than Half (52%) Highly Agreed With How Climate Activists Protest Against the Use of Fossil Fuels

More Than Half (52%) Highly Agreed With How Climate Activists Protest Against the Use of Fossil Fuels

1 year ago 6 mins read

Climate activists who smeared themselves with mud from the activist group Last Generation staged a mud-covered protest outside the Senate …

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Survey on the Climate Activists Who Smeared Themselves With Mud

Survey on the Climate Activists Who Smeared Themselves With Mud

1 year ago 2 mins read

A group of bare-chested climate activists covered themselves in the mud outside the Senate building in Rome on May 23, …

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69% Say Carbon Capture Technologies Work Better Than Most Other Strategies

69% Say Carbon Capture Technologies Work Better Than Most Other Strategies

1 year ago 6 mins read

Direct Air Capture (DAC) is a promising strategy for capturing carbon dioxide emissions to curb climate change. It involves collecting …

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Survey on the New Way to Capture Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Survey on the New Way to Capture Carbon Dioxide Emissions

1 year ago 2 mins read

Finding efficient ways to capture carbon dioxide emissions is more crucial than ever as we continue to deal with the …

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6 in 10 Are Fully Aware The Dead Sea Is “Dying”

6 in 10 Are Fully Aware The Dead Sea Is “Dying”

2 years ago 5 mins read

The Dead Sea, a coveted salt lake prominent for its high salinity, might not be around for much longer. Recent …

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Survey on the Dead Sea’s Declining Sea Level and Receding Shoreline

Survey on the Dead Sea’s Declining Sea Level and Receding Shoreline

2 years ago 2 mins read

The Dead Sea, a coveted salt lake prominent for its high salinity, might not be around for much longer. The …

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Over 32% Feel Deforestation Cause Palm Tree Extinction

Over 32% Feel Deforestation Cause Palm Tree Extinction

2 years ago 4 mins read

Several studies have been conducted recently in various fields of science. Each of these reveals some of the most significant …

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