Majority of respondents (80%) were aware of the Pro-Bolsonaro Riots in Brazil

Majority of respondents (80%) were aware of the Pro-Bolsonaro Riots in Brazil

1 year ago 4 mins read

Pro-Bolsonaro supporters rioted in Brazil’s Capitol on January 10, 2023, shortly after Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, known as “Lula,” …

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52% Find the Corruption Charges Against Peru’s President Completely True

52% Find the Corruption Charges Against Peru’s President Completely True

2 years ago 4 mins read

Thousands took to the streets in Peru to protest against the government, demanding the resignation or impeachment of President Pedro …

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35% Believe That Trump Is a Strong and Well-qualified Leader

35% Believe That Trump Is a Strong and Well-qualified Leader

2 years ago 4 mins read

The 45th President of the United States, Donald John Trump, is plotting a comeback in the 2024 United States presidential …

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Survey on Former President Donald Trump’s 2024 Presidential Run Announcement

Survey on Former President Donald Trump’s 2024 Presidential Run Announcement

2 years ago 2 mins read

The 45th president of the United States, Donald John Trump, is an American politician, businessman, and media personality. Trump won …

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Survey: Public Opinion on Lula da Silva Winning Brazil’s Presidential Election

Survey: Public Opinion on Lula da Silva Winning Brazil’s Presidential Election

2 years ago 2 mins read

Lula da Silva has shown possibly the most remarkable comeback in Brazil’s history. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, a popular …

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Nearly 77% Want Lula Silva to Win Brazilian Elections

Nearly 77% Want Lula Silva to Win Brazilian Elections

2 years ago 4 mins read

The presidential elections for Brazil are set for October, when two of the biggest contenders, Jair Bolsonaro and Luiz Inacio …

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Survey on Brazilian Presidential Election 2022

Survey on Brazilian Presidential Election 2022

2 years ago 2 mins read

Elections are a crucial time for a country as it is in the results does the fate of the country …

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66% Say It Is Highly Likely That Indian Society Will Mend Caste System

66% Say It Is Highly Likely That Indian Society Will Mend Caste System

2 years ago 4 mins read

Droupadi Murmu, a Santhal tribal woman, is India’s 15th president. She is making history in Indian politics as she is …

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45% Satisfied With the Protests Forcing Sri Lankan Leaders’ Resignations

45% Satisfied With the Protests Forcing Sri Lankan Leaders’ Resignations

2 years ago 4 mins read

Sri Lanka has been experiencing the worst economic crisis in 70 years. This is in addition to the political and …

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Over 68% Believe Rishi Sunak Would Win for Being a Man of Color

Over 68% Believe Rishi Sunak Would Win for Being a Man of Color

2 years ago 4 mins read

Another topic in Politics circulating in the news is who will be the UK’s next prime minister. Conservative legislators narrowed …

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