Concerns Rise: 68.22% Express Worry Over Moon’s Drift From Earth

Concerns Rise: 68.22% Express Worry Over Moon’s Drift From Earth

3 months ago 3 mins read

Through repeated measurements, it has been noticed that the Moon is currently moving away from Earth by about 3.8 cm …

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9 in 10 Support Earthquake-Resistant Constructions: Survey Report

9 in 10 Support Earthquake-Resistant Constructions: Survey Report

9 months ago 5 mins read

On September 8, 2023, an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 struck Morocco’s High Atlas Mountains, an area unaccustomed to …

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Over Half Are Aware of  Earth’s Ozone Layer Recovery

Over Half Are Aware of  Earth’s Ozone Layer Recovery

1 year ago 5 mins read

In the early 1970s, scientists started to discover that certain human-made chemicals, known as ozone-depleting substances (ODSs), were causing the …

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Survey on Earth’s Ozone Layer Healing

Survey on Earth’s Ozone Layer Healing

1 year ago 2 mins read

According to a new report by the United Nations-backed panel of scientists, the ozone layer is on track to recover …

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48% Agree that Humans Exploited Wildlife for Housing or Farming

48% Agree that Humans Exploited Wildlife for Housing or Farming

3 years ago 6 mins read

Wildlife extinction is a well-known fact. Moreover, research by scientists from different disciplines and from different countries shows that species …

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Survey: Public Opinion on Increased Wildlife Extinction

Survey: Public Opinion on Increased Wildlife Extinction

3 years ago 2 mins read

Once upon a time, the planet Earth was home to a completely different array of species. Over the millions and …

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Space Tourism Interest Rates Insights

Space Tourism Interest Rates Insights

4 years ago 5 mins read

As the scramble for space tourism climbs, intrepid entrepreneurs such as Elon Musk with SpaceX, Burt Rutan with Scaled Composites, …

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Animal Welfare Awareness Increases Globally

Animal Welfare Awareness Increases Globally

4 years ago 5 mins read

Animal welfare policies have been imposed in several countries. With this global survey, our team expects to better understand citizens’ …

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Survey: Space Tourism Interest

Survey: Space Tourism Interest

4 years ago 2 mins read

Around 50 years after Apollo 11 abandoned Earth’s orbit and landed on the moon. Five decades later, countries like the …

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Survey: World Wildlife Fund for Nature Website

Survey: World Wildlife Fund for Nature Website

4 years ago 1 min read

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is the world’s leading independent conservation organization. Founded in 1961, the non-governmental organization …

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