63.25% Were Comfortable With Driverless Cars Sharing the Road With Human-Driven Vehicles

63.25% Were Comfortable With Driverless Cars Sharing the Road With Human-Driven Vehicles

10 months ago 5 mins read

Driverless cars were an idea long thought of with innovation in technology. They were expected to reduce road accidents and …

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58% Say Driverless Taxis Will Definitely Curb Road Accidents

58% Say Driverless Taxis Will Definitely Curb Road Accidents

2 years ago 4 mins read

This year, UAE is testing autonomous taxis and e-hailing services and planning to launch driverless taxis in Dubai by 2023. …

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Survey on Public Perception of Driverless Taxis in Dubai by 2023

Survey on Public Perception of Driverless Taxis in Dubai by 2023

2 years ago 2 mins read

According to an official announcement, Dubai will start testing autonomous taxis and e-hailing services this year with the launch of …

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Tesla Holds Favor as Best Autonomous Vehicle Brand

Tesla Holds Favor as Best Autonomous Vehicle Brand

3 years ago 5 mins read

With COVID-19 resulting in the economic fallout, many economies are working on game-changing developments to protect their workers and clients. …

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Survey: Public Perception on Autonomous Vehicles

Survey: Public Perception on Autonomous Vehicles

3 years ago 2 mins read

Autonomous cars are vehicles that, according to experts, drive safely on public roads without human intervention. In fact, they work …

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31.47% of the Respondents Prefer a Lexus in Terms of Product Price

31.47% of the Respondents Prefer a Lexus in Terms of Product Price

3 years ago 6 mins read

Automobile brands are manufactured to be utilized for longer periods. However, there are some models that appear to get outdated …

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Autonomous Cars in the Streets: Not Happening Anytime Soon

Autonomous Cars in the Streets: Not Happening Anytime Soon

3 years ago 8 mins read

Autonomous cars appear to be the new frontier in the automobile industry. Despite the rising economy of this new class …

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Survey: Driverless Industry: Do You Trust Driverless Cars?

Survey: Driverless Industry: Do You Trust Driverless Cars?

4 years ago 1 min read

The economy for driverless cars is booming, but significant questions still remain. Will consumers actually want to cede control of …

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