49.25% Think Taiwan Would Be Able To Defend Against China

49.25% Think Taiwan Would Be Able To Defend Against China

2 years ago 4 mins read

China’s threat to force a solution to the Taiwan’s situation is causing fear in the Western media. Due to disagreements …

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Survey: Public Perception On The Situation In Taiwan

Survey: Public Perception On The Situation In Taiwan

2 years ago 2 mins read

In light of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Western media are afraid about PRC’s threat of a forceful solution to the …

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Republicans Perceive China Negatively Than Democrats

Republicans Perceive China Negatively Than Democrats

4 years ago 4 mins read

73% of Americans view China in a negative way. More Republicans than Democrats have unfavorable perceptions of China. Americans believe …

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Harris Poll: American Kids Aspire to be Youtuber Than Astronauts

Harris Poll: American Kids Aspire to be Youtuber Than Astronauts

4 years ago 3 mins read

In celebration of the Apollo-11 Moon landing’s 50th anniversary, the LEGO group launched month-long events to inspire curiosity among the …

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Mobile Wallets contribute to 85% of China’s Digital Payment Trends

Mobile Wallets contribute to 85% of China’s Digital Payment Trends

4 years ago 4 mins read

China lives in the future. As the rest of the world still uses credit cards and cash on a daily …

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