In recent years, concerns about the impact of social media on mental health have grown increasingly prevalent. Now, schools in the United States are taking legal action against—Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, and other social media platforms—for what they claim is the company’s role in contributing to a mental health crisis among young people.

US Schools Take on Meta Platforms

The lawsuit, filed by the San Mateo County Board of Education, accuses Meta of knowingly designing and promoting platforms that harm the mental health of children and teenagers. The plaintiffs allege that Meta has prioritized profits over the well-being of its users and that its platforms have led to increased rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide among young people.

The lawsuit is just the latest in a series of challenges faced by Meta in recent years. The company has been criticized for everything from its handling of user data to its role in spreading misinformation and political polarization. However, this lawsuit represents a new font in the battle against the company, as schools and educators join the fray.

The lawsuit cites numerous studies and reports that suggest a link between social media use and negative mental health outcomes. One study, for example, found that teenage girls who spent more time on social media had higher rates of depression and anxiety than those who spent less time on these platforms. Other studies have linked social media use to decreased self-esteem, increased loneliness, and even suicidal thoughts and behaviors.

While it is unclear whether the lawsuit against Meta will be successful, it is clear that the issue of social media and mental health cannot be ignored. At the same time, companies like Meta are responsible for prioritizing their users’ well-being over profits. This means designing platforms that are not just addictive but also promote positive mental health outcomes.

Hence, Real Research, an online survey app, launched a survey on this subject to scope out further perceptions and insights. Hurry and answer the survey on US schools suing Meta for contributing to “mental health crisis” on the Real Research app on March 31, 2023, and win 60 TNCs as a reward.

Survey Details

Survey Title:
Survey on US Schools Suing Meta For Contributing To “Mental Health Crisis”

Target Number of Participants:
10,000 Users


Nationality: All
Age: 21-99
Gender: All
Resident Country: All
Marital Status: All
Language: All
KYC Level: All

Note: This survey is closed. You can view the results here – 53% Are Aware of Us Schools Suing Meta for the Mental Health Crisis.