In today’s hyper-connected world, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. While it offers numerous benefits, such as staying connected, sharing experiences, and accessing information, it can also have a downside. Excessive use of social media has been linked to feelings of stress, anxiety, and a constant need for validation. This is where social media detoxes come into play.

What is a social media detox?

A social media detox refers to taking a deliberate break from social media platforms for a certain period of time. It involves disconnecting from the constant stream of notifications, likes, and comments, and taking time to focus on oneself and the real world.

Benefits of a social media detox:

Mental well-being: Continuous exposure to curated, idealized versions of other people’s lives can lead to comparison, feelings of inadequacy, and increased stress. A social media detox provides an opportunity to step away from this pressure, allowing us to focus on our own priorities and achievements, leading to improved mental well-being.

Increased productivity: Social media can be a major time sink, often causing distractions and hindering productivity. By taking a break from social media, we free up valuable time and mental space, enabling us to channel our energy toward more meaningful activities and personal growth.

Enhanced relationships: Social media can sometimes create a false sense of connection, while real-world relationships may suffer. Detoxing from social media allows us to re-establish genuine connections with friends, family, and ourselves.

Improved focus and creativity: Constant exposure to digital noise can hinder our ability to concentrate and think creatively. A break from social media helps declutter the mind, reduces distractions, and allows us to explore new ideas, hobbies, and interests, leading to increased focus and enhanced creativity.


A social media detox can be a powerful tool to reclaim control over our digital lives and restore balance in an increasingly connected world. By stepping away from social media’s constant noise and pressure, we open ourselves up to rediscovering meaningful connections, enhancing our well-being, and nurturing personal growth.

Real Research, an online survey app, launched a survey on social media detoxing to hear what the public thinks about this practice. Hurry and answer the survey on social media detoxes on the Real Research app on June 05, 2023, and win 60 TNCs as a reward.

Survey Details

Survey Title:
Survey on Social Media Detoxes

Target Number of Participants:
10,000 Users


Nationality: All
Age: 21-99
Gender: All
Resident Country: All
Marital Status: All
Language: All
KYC Level: All

Note: This survey is closed. You can view the results here – Social Media Has a Positive Impact on Respondents’ Life, According to 32%.