Tired of endless stress, work calls, and other people’s expectations, some people find themselves thinking to “drop everything and leave.” The change from an urban lifestyle with its fast pace and stressful demands to a more measured, provincial one is called downshifting. Meanwhile, people who made such changes are called downshifters.

Downshifting is a philosophy of living for yourself and the rejection of values ​​imposed by society. Often people leave a prestigious position or a lucrative job that is accompanied by severe stress and completely change their lifestyle. The main idea of ​​downshifting is finding harmony with yourself.

Accordingly, Real Research launches a survey on downshifting lifestyle. For instance, what makes people choose to downshift? Have they ever considered downshifting? Also, what is the best way to start downshifting? Lastly, what are the pros and cons of downshifting?

So, hurry and share your opinion on this survey on the Real Research App from January 31, 2022. After that, you will receive 10 PLF as a reward.

Survey Details

Survey Title:
Survey on Downshifting Lifestyle

Target Number of Participants:
20,000 Users


Nationality: All
Age: 21-99
Gender: All
Resident Country: All
Marital Status: All
Language: All
KYC Level: All

Note: This survey is closed. You can view the results here – 53% Believe That the Downshifting Lifestyle Reduces Stress.