The idea of ​​watching movies at home seems more comfortable and cheaper. But a trip to the cinema gives viewers an immersive experience. With video streaming platforms growing subscriptions, are people still going to theatres?

At the theatres, viewers are the first to see: instead of waiting until a film is available on televisions or computers, cinema fans usually prefer the big screen. A more personalized experience, a better sound, an almost parallel reality, are factors that lead millions to the cinema worldwide

But going to the cinema is not as convenient or as cheap as watching a movie in the comfort of home. Do people continue to value the big screen? Real Research will find out how often people go to the cinema and why they go there. Take this survey from November 17 to November 22 and win 10 TNC Coins.

Note: This survey is closed. You can view the results here – People Still Love Going to The Movies.