Public Opinions and Expectations on COVID-19 Vaccines

Public Opinions and Expectations on COVID-19 Vaccines

4 years ago 5 mins read

COVID-19 cases have come into public knowledge since November 2019. After a year, there have been thousands of deaths and …

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Views on Post-Covid Job Market Situation

Views on Post-Covid Job Market Situation

4 years ago 4 mins read

The pandemic has been a highlight in human history. There has been a lot of negative effects throughout many sectors …

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Majority Changed Holiday Plans Due to Strict Christmas Lockdowns

Majority Changed Holiday Plans Due to Strict Christmas Lockdowns

4 years ago 5 mins read

The holiday season is here, but a little bit different than the ones we had for the past years. Merry-making …

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Public Opinion on Imposing Border Control and Lockdowns

Public Opinion on Imposing Border Control and Lockdowns

4 years ago 6 mins read

Many sectors took hits as the pandemic rampaged throughout the world. In line with this, many people lost their jobs …

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Survey: COVID-19 Public Poll About Wearing Masks

Survey: COVID-19 Public Poll About Wearing Masks

4 years ago 2 mins read

Wearing masks is one of the widely-implemented COVID-19 precautionary measures around the world. Alongside social distancing and home quarantine, wearing …

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Survey: Public Perception on Global Climate Change

Survey: Public Perception on Global Climate Change

4 years ago 2 mins read

Rainfall patterns are changing as countries are experiencing major floods, sea levels are rising, and heat waves are increasing — …

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Survey on Cricket Preferences

Survey on Cricket Preferences

4 years ago 2 mins read

Cricket is a well-known sport around the world. To die-hard fans, it is more than a game. Most fans live …

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Survey: Public Opinion on the Removal of Ban on Gathering in Indoor Sports Facilities

Survey: Public Opinion on the Removal of Ban on Gathering in Indoor Sports Facilities

4 years ago 2 mins read

Similar to all countries, South Korea advised its public to close all facilities and practice social distancing when the world …

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Survey: Public’s Opinion on Adoption

Survey: Public’s Opinion on Adoption

4 years ago 2 mins read

Regardless of age or gender, every human being longs for love and a secure environment to reside in. Hence, the …

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Survey: Public’s Opinion on the Decreasing Number of Anti-Smoking Program Participants

Survey: Public’s Opinion on the Decreasing Number of Anti-Smoking Program Participants

4 years ago 2 mins read

Whether you are an occasional smoker or a pack-a-day smoker, quitting can be really daunting. It requires a lot of …

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