China Sets Rules to Limit The Gaming Industry

China Sets Rules to Limit The Gaming Industry

7 months ago 3 mins read

China’s New Gaming Regulations In a recent move targeting the technology and gaming sectors, Chinese regulators have announced a comprehensive …

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Breakthrough: World’s First-Ever Wireless Brain Chip Implantation

Breakthrough: World’s First-Ever Wireless Brain Chip Implantation

7 months ago 2 mins read

First Ever Wireless Brain Chip Implantation Done Tech pioneer Elon Musk has reportedly succeeded in the world’s first-ever brain chip …

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Would You Live on the Moon? 80% Open to the Idea, Survey Reveals

Would You Live on the Moon? 80% Open to the Idea, Survey Reveals

9 months ago 3 mins read

Public Opinion on Relocating to the Moon Imagine a future where humanity isn’t confined to Earth. NASA, along with private …

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