A Happy Accident

Did you know that Viagra was originally intended to treat high blood pressure and angina? It’s true! However, during clinical trials, participants reported an unexpected side effect: increased erections.

Recognizing this potential, researchers pivoted their focus, leading to Viagra’s 1998 approval as the first oral medication for erectile dysfunction (ED). Talk about a serendipitous discovery!

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Your Health, Your Choice

Viagra, also known as Sildenafil, works by increasing blood flow to the penis, helping men achieve and maintain erections. While generally safe, it’s essential to use Viagra under medical guidance due to potential side effects.

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Pop the Pill, Break the Stigma

Erectile dysfunction affects millions of men worldwide, yet it’s often shrouded in silence and embarrassment.  Men struggling with ED had limited treatment options and often felt ashamed to seek help. However, with the advent of Viagra, the conversation around ED shifted dramatically.

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