Survey: Legalization of Marijuana Public Poll

Survey: Legalization of Marijuana Public Poll

4 years ago 1 min read

In many countries, marijuana or cannabis is still illegal. However, there are some nations that have legalized cannabis trading in …

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Survey: Democrats VS Republicans Public Opinion

Survey: Democrats VS Republicans Public Opinion

4 years ago 2 mins read

The American presidential elections are held every four years, marking historic moments in the lives of Americans and world citizens. …

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Fair Judiciary Tops Citizens Concerns on Democracy

Fair Judiciary Tops Citizens Concerns on Democracy

4 years ago 3 mins read

It is easy to perceive that the concept of democracy changes from country to country and from person to person. …

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Survey: Democracy Perception Worldwide

Survey: Democracy Perception Worldwide

4 years ago 1 min read

Democracy started out as an abstract idea, functioning on a large scale that is almost like a utopia. With the …

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Survey: Poll – National Presidential Head-to-Head Tracking

Survey: Poll – National Presidential Head-to-Head Tracking

4 years ago 2 mins read

As anticipation election day draws near, the US presidential polls are scattered all around. Morning Consult, among many institutions, closely …

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Neither Republican nor Democrat: Independents Outnumber Partisans

Neither Republican nor Democrat: Independents Outnumber Partisans

4 years ago 4 mins read

All over the world, we are used to hearing about Republicans and Democrats. Despite being mostly American terms, they are …

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Pew Survey Finds People Around the World Are Disengaged From Politics

Pew Survey Finds People Around the World Are Disengaged From Politics

4 years ago 2 mins read

In late 2018, Pew Research surveyed citizens of 14 countries, having considered political engagement in Argentina, Kenya, Brazil, Mexico, Greece, …

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Republicans Perceive China Negatively Than Democrats

Republicans Perceive China Negatively Than Democrats

4 years ago 4 mins read

73% of Americans view China in a negative way. More Republicans than Democrats have unfavorable perceptions of China. Americans believe …

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Nordea Insights: How US Elections Affect Global Markets Through the Years

Nordea Insights: How US Elections Affect Global Markets Through the Years

4 years ago 7 mins read

During the election years in America, all the stocks around the world suffer massive variations The US Dollar price tends …

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Pew Research: How Twitter Has Shaped Global Politics’ Communications

Pew Research: How Twitter Has Shaped Global Politics’ Communications

4 years ago 6 mins read

A revolution in politics has begun, and it is being argued 280 characters at a time. The Guardian, Pew Research, …

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