Lighters and matchsticks have both helped individuals create a small fire or spark for various reasons. Whether it be for smoking or creating a campfire, lighters and matchsticks have been useful in both of these scenarios. However, which one is more popular?

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Style Over Ease

While both of them have the same utility, people have debated which one is more stylish and has more class. Movies, especially, have shown an infinite number of creative ways through which one can start a fire with a matchstick. Moreover, people who prefer the vintage style still prefer the matchstick over the lighter. 

Lighters, on the other hand, have been easy to use and can provide individuals with easy control over fire. Additionally, lighters are being designed to provide a rare, exclusive look for users. So it’s a matter of what people prefer. Do they prefer the modern and easy lighter or the classic and vintage matchsticks?

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The Ultimate Fire Starter

Although time has passed, people still continue to use lighters and matchsticks. For these reasons, some predict that, probably in the future, lighters and matchsticks could be replaced by some eco-friendly option. However, for now, lighters and matchsticks would continue to be used as a way to start a fire.

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