The field of education is rapidly changing due to technological advancements and the pressing demand for adaptable learning in response to the pandemic. Amidst this rapid change, individuals seek diverse education systems to determine which approach aligns best with their unique needs.

Real Research, an online survey application, recently conducted a survey asking participants about their experiences and thoughts about different types of education systems, including formal, informal, and non-formal education. In particular, the results shed light on people’s diverse perspectives on education and its role in personal and career growth.

The survey, which collected responses from participants worldwide, revealed that the vast majority of respondents (94.22%) had received some form of education, while only 5.78% had not.

Types of Education Systems

Among those who have received an education, 66.13% have undergone formal education, such as primary, secondary, tertiary, or vocational education. 19.55% received Informal education, which includes self-learning, online courses, and apprenticeships. Only 11.95% have had the opportunity to experience non-formal education, such as in workshops, seminars, and continuing education programs. These findings are key in highlighting that up to 97.63% have received some form of education. 

The survey also revealed that a majority of 29% of respondents completed post-secondary education at a university or college, and up to 13% had completed upper-secondary education.

Preferred Type of Education Systems

The respondents’ preferences for the different education systems show a mixed response. In detail, 41.12% opted for formal education, followed by informal education (14.89%) and non-formal education (13.87%). However, 17.67% of respondents said they prefer none of these education systems.

The preference for informal and non-formal education may indicate a desire for more flexible and alternative learning opportunities. Additionally, those who preferred none may indicate the need for more innovative and personalized education models.

Role & Effectiveness of Education Systems in Career Growth

When it comes to career growth, 26.09% of the respondents believed that formal education is the most effective. In comparison, 13.27% of respondents chose informal education as the most effective, while non-formal education was chosen by 11.1%.

However, a majority (28.78%) of respondents believed that all types of education systems are equally effective for career growth.

Further, the survey also sought to understand people’s views on formal, informal, and non-formal education; while opinions varied, it is notable that a significant portion of respondents (26.93%) believed that formal education is more effective than other education systems in terms of career development.

24.58% viewed formal education as important but not essential for career success. On the other hand, 17.26% believed it was the only valid form of education.

Interestingly, regarding informal education, the majority (18%) of respondents viewed it as useful for personal growth, while 14.74% saw it as important but not essential for career success.

Lastly, most (31.71%) of respondents believed that non-formal education was a more effective alternative to formal education. In particular, 28.78% viewed it as more effective than the other education systems for career development.

This suggests that attending formal classes or pursuing degrees may not be the most effective way to acquire knowledge and skills, according to some. It may also indicate that non-formal education is a practical and efficient way that can be applied directly to one’s workplace or life in general.

Other Effective Types of Education Systems

There are other types of education systems besides formal, informal, and non-formal education. In the end, the survey reveals which other types of education systems respondents consider effective. 

Here, experiential education, which emphasizes hands-on learning and active participation, was the most popular choice among 18.89% of respondents. Vocational education, which prepares individuals for jobs and careers in skilled trades or professions, was also ranked highly, with 17.24%. 

Meanwhile, 15.88% chose global education, which promotes cultural awareness, social justice, and global citizenship. Adult Education, which focuses on the specific needs of adults, including literacy, career training, and personal development, was seen as effective by 14.58%.

In conclusion, the survey reveals that individuals have diverse perspectives on education systems and their role in personal and career growth. The survey also suggests that there is no clear preference for any specific type of education system, and respondents have different opinions on what is most effective for career development. The abilities and capabilities needed in today’s knowledge-based societies are quickly evolving to keep up with the pace of economic, technological, and social transformations. Overall, to meet the evolving demands of a rapidly changing world, the survey report underscores the critical need to adopt a more practical, personalized, and innovative approach to education.

Survey Details

Survey Title:
Survey on the Types of Education Systems

Number of Participants:
10,000 Users