33% Say G20 Will Highly Likely Succeed in Finding Solutions Despite Current Extremity

33% Say G20 Will Highly Likely Succeed in Finding Solutions Despite Current Extremity

2 years ago 4 mins read

The 2022 G20 Bali summit is the upcoming 17th meeting of G20, scheduled to take palace in Bali, Indonesia between …

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Survey on the G20 Summit in Indonesia

Survey on the G20 Summit in Indonesia

2 years ago 2 mins read

The G20 presidency of Indonesia, under the theme of “Recover Together, Recover Stronger,” is bound to take place from November …

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More Than 76% Say the World Appears To Be Overpopulated

More Than 76% Say the World Appears To Be Overpopulated

2 years ago 4 mins read

World Population Day is observed every year on the 11th of July to bring to the public’s attention the issue …

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Only 15% Think Sri Lanka Can ‘Likely’ Solve Its Economic Crisis

Only 15% Think Sri Lanka Can ‘Likely’ Solve Its Economic Crisis

2 years ago 4 mins read

Sri Lanka is facing a historic collapse of its economy that has thrown the administration into turmoil. People have been …

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Survey on World Population Day – How Population Determines the Economy of a Nation

Survey on World Population Day – How Population Determines the Economy of a Nation

2 years ago 2 mins read

The world population has grown unprecedentedly since the middle of the 20th century. For example, adult life expectancy has increased …

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Survey on Sri Lanka’s Worst Economic Crisis in Its History

Survey on Sri Lanka’s Worst Economic Crisis in Its History

2 years ago 2 mins read

Countries experiencing economic hardships is unexceptional considering how turbulent economies can be generally. Usually, ups and downs in an economy …

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Over 71% Feel President Putin Will ‘Do the Right Thing’

Over 71% Feel President Putin Will ‘Do the Right Thing’

2 years ago 4 mins read

The Russia-Ukraine war and the dependency on Russia for fuel has caused a major decline in the global economy. Global …

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Survey on Global Attitudes Towards Countries and International Organizations

Survey on Global Attitudes Towards Countries and International Organizations

2 years ago 2 mins read

As reported by the World Bank, Russia-Ukraine war and the dependency on Russia for fuel and energy, compounded the COVID-19 …

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71% Feel Heavy Reliance on Fuel Triggers Global Recession

71% Feel Heavy Reliance on Fuel Triggers Global Recession

2 years ago 4 mins read

The 2019 Covid-19 pandemic brought a 2-year lockdown that drastically impacted many countries’ economies. Many suffered financially, battling high unemployment, …

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Survey on World Bank Warning Over a Global Recession

Survey on World Bank Warning Over a Global Recession

2 years ago 2 mins read

The world saw multiple events and incidents in the past few years. With a pandemic and a war shaking the …

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