According to some historians, it is speculated that April Fools’ Day dates back to 1582, when France switched from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar, as called for by the Council of Trent in 1563.

In the Julian Calendar, as in the Hindu calendar, the new year began with the “spring equinox” around April 1. Spring Equinox means that the day and night are of equal lengths when the Sun is directly above the equator. 

People who weren’t updated that the new year was changed to January 1, and celebrated the last week of March up until April 1 were called “April Fools”.

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The best part of April Fool’s Day is that companies are making use of this day to market their products. If you remember, in 2018, Paypal, an online payment system, posted on X: “You can now Print Money directly from your phone. Launching on the PayPal app. Will you be using it?”

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Tinder took its users by surprise when it introduced the new feature “Tinder Height Verification”. The main idea of this feature was to make sure that people didn’t lie about their height on their dating platforms. 

Tinder stuck to its brand mission by stopping people from being cat-fished with the launch of the above feature. After the launch of this feature, Tinder expected those claiming to be 6 feet or taller to reduce, as females usually preferred guys above 6 feet or taller.