Cancer-Causing Cotton Candies

Creating a shock around the world, it has been revealed through lab tests in India that the delicious pink-coloured cotton candy consists of traces of the cancer-causing substance Rhodamine-B. Immediately, the government of Tamil Nadu, one of the states of India, ordered an immediate ban on these sweet treats. 

Cotton candy, a very popular treat known to children and adults, is often sold in amusement parks, fairs, beaches, parks, and even on the street. Due to its color, melting-in-the-mouth feature, and thread-like texture, it has become popular and consumed by many people.

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The Shocking Disaster In Sweets  

Upon further investigation, it was revealed that a union territory of India, Puducherry, also banned cotton candy. After this shocking revelation, several other states in India have also started to test the sweet treats to check if these cotton candies are harmful or not.

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The Final Testimony

Rhodamine-B, a chemical compound, gives cotton candy its fluorescent pink hue and is also used to dye textiles, cosmetics, and inks. Furthermore, the use of Rhodamine-B in food is banned and punishable by law in India. Only time will tell if other countries will follow in India’s footsteps and take the required action to protect its consumers.

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