What is procrastination, and do you do it a lot? 

Procrastination is a curious beast, often dismissed as a simple issue of time management or laziness. However, its grip on productivity and well-being runs deeper than some people think.

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One of the most intriguing aspects of procrastination is its resemblance to addiction. Just like an addict chasing a high, procrastinators often experience a sense of relief and temporary pleasure when engaging in procrastinatory behaviors.

Moreover, procrastination and addiction involve a cycle of craving, satisfaction, and temporary pleasure followed by guilt and regret. This cycle prolongs the behavior, making it difficult to break free from its grip.

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In conclusion, procrastination is far more than just a harmless habit or a simple lack of time management skills. Ultimately, breaking free from procrastination requires a commitment to change and a willingness to confront discomfort.

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