Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

You will find many definitions online and by many psychologists and scientists on what is an introvert and what is an extrovert. Among these definitions, an introvert is someone who feels more comfortable focusing on their inner thoughts and ideas rather than what’s happening externally. 

Whereas an extrovert is a term that describes someone who is often characterized as talkative, sociable, and active. This is a person who feels energized by the external world and social interactions. 

The last category we have, and yes, there’s a third label, is an ambivert. An ambivert is a person who has a balance of extrovert and introvert features in their personality. 

So, which one are you?

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If you mainly chose the first option, then you, my friend, are an extrovert! If you felt the second option resonated with you more, it looks like you are an introvert. And if you feel like you are a bit of both in the majority of these situations, welcome to the ambivert club!