X-Men is a superhero film series based on the Marvel Comics superhero team of the same name. The veteran star, Hugh Jackman, played James Howlett, alias Logan, and Wolverine, in six X-Men movies and three solo films, having done so since 2000. He was also one of the producers of the film ‘X-Men Origins: Wolverine’.

In his last movie ‘Logan’ in 2017 where he retired right after, he was given a farewell he deserved and allowed him to leave his career as an X-Men behind. Recently, we’ve noticed that Marvel Studios breathed a new life into the MCU. In detail, we have seen the introduction of X-Men characters in the 2022 film Dr. Strange. Thus, with Hugh Jackman’s retirement, the new cinematic universe would require a new Wolverine.

This July, Taron Egerton announces that he’s currently in talks with the MCU to play Wolverine. Though an official casting is yet to be confirmed, he surely has a track record of hits – winning a Golden Globe for his performance as Elton John in Rocketman and being nominated for a Grammy Award and two BAFTAs.

However, despite Egerton being “excited” about the possibility of taking on the X-Men character, he remains “apprehensive”. He told The New York Times last July 1, “because Hugh is so associated with the role that I’d wonder if it’d be very difficult for someone else to do it.”

Hence, hurry and answer the survey seeking public opinion on Taron Egerton possibly replacing Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in MCU on the Real Research app from July 12, 2022. After that, you will receive 12 TNC as a reward.

Survey Details

Survey Title:
Public Opinion on Taron Egerton Possibly Replacing Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in the MCU

Target Number of Participants:
50,000 Users


Nationality: All
Age: 21-99
Gender: All
Resident Country: All
Marital Status: All
Language: All
KYC Level: All

Note: This survey is closed. You can view the results here – 65% Want To See Hugh Jackman Return as Wolverine.