LGBTQ+ Pride Month pays tribute to the Stonewall uprising in June 1969, which marked a critical turning point in the LGBTQ+ movement. All the parades, rallies, and events in June celebrate diversity within the community.

This year’s festivities, however, will be tinged with extreme caution. The U.S. State Department has notified the public about the Pride Month event under terrorist attack alert. This includes online threats and violence targeting the LGBTQ+ community during Pride events.

In a recent survey on the Pride Month event under terrorist attack alert on Real Research, an online survey app, 67.56% think there is enough awareness about security threats.


  • 52% of respondents are aware of the Pride Month event under terrorist attack alert and are concerned about their safety.
  • 68.90% advocate for the increased security measures at Pride events.
  • 31.10% believe an attack similar to the Orlando “Latin Night” incident is unlikely.

Awareness of Security Threats

The survey reveals a mixed level of awareness among respondents concerning the potential dangers surrounding Pride Month. A majority, 52%, were aware of the security threats to gatherings and events in June 2024, while 32.54% remained unaware.

Fig 1: Awareness about security concerns during Pride Month.

This indicates that a significant portion of the community might be caught off guard during the Pride Month event under terrorist attack alert, underscoring the need for more effective communication about potential risks.

Knowledge of Pride Events

As far as the Pride Month event is concerned, which is the Pride March or Pride Parade, 63.84% of respondents were aware of this iconic celebration. However, a significant 36.16% were not familiar with it.

Fig 2: Are people aware of the Pride March in June?

This gap in awareness suggests that while many are engaged in Pride activities, there is still a considerable number who may not be as informed about these events.

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Security Awareness and Concerns

A major majority (67.56%) of respondents believe there is adequate awareness about security threats, such as monitoring violent threats made online or via mail. Yet, 37.44% feel that this awareness is insufficient.

Concerns about the Pride Month event under terrorist attack alert are prevalent in the US. For instance, 36.16% of respondents are extremely concerned that attackers might take pictures of security equipment and event access points. Meanwhile, there is a rising sense of unease about the potential for targeted attacks, as 55.78% of the respondents are ‘somewhat concerned’ about this possibility.

Fig 3: Concern about Pride Month security threats.

The memory of the tragic attack during “Latin Night” in Orlando looms large, with 68.90% of respondents fearing that an event of similar magnitude could occur again in June 2024. Only 31.10% believe that such an attack is unlikely.

Furthermore, there is a high confidence level in the security equipment put in place for Pride Month. Around 63.60% believe that the security measures in place currently are adequate to mitigate terrorist threats against Pride events. On the contrary, 36.40% believe that more should be done to ensure the safety of the Pride Month event.

As we approach June 2024, it is important to balance celebration with caution. The Pride Month event under terrorist attack alert calls for the LGBTQ+ community not to drop its guard concerning potential threats and to continue working together to maintain a safe environment.


Survey TitleSurvey on Pride Month Event Under Terrorist Attack Alert
DurationMay 25 – June 1, 2024
Number of Participants5,000
DemographicsMales and females, aged 21 to 99
Participating Countries Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, China (Hong Kong) China (Macao), China (Taiwan), Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Greanada, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Libya, Lithuania, Malaysia, Maldives, Maluritania, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar [Burma], Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Zimbabwe.