Russia was said to be preparing to introduce laws that would require foreigners coming into the country to sign a “loyalty agreement”. According to Russia’s interior ministry, the agreement would forbid foreigners from criticizing the official policies and Soviet military history.

Real Research, an online survey app, conducted a survey on Russia’s ‘Loyalty Agreement’ for foreigners. 82% were aware of Russia’s ‘loyalty agreement’ for foreigners. 17.95% only were seemingly unaware of the matter.

Key Public Opinions

  • 61.48% agree with the idea of requiring foreigners to sign a loyalty agreement upon entering Russia
  • 42.87% suggested that the Loyalty Agreement should not apply to tourists
  • 55.28% expressed that Russia’s ‘Loyalty Agreement’ would have a slightly negative impact on Russia’s travel and tourism

Is The Public in Agreement with the Loyalty Agreement?

When asked about their agreement with Russia’s ‘loyalty agreement’ for foreigners, 37.55% somewhat agree, whereas, 23.85% strongly agree. Conversely, 24.65% somewhat disagree, and 13.95% strongly disagree.

Accordingly, how much of an impact will such an agreement have on foreigners visiting Russia? 35.5% said the agreement will have a minor impact, 30.38% said moderate impact, and 13.53% said extreme impact. About 20.58% said Russia’s ‘loyalty agreement’ will not impact foreigners.

Fig 1: Impact of the Loyalty Agreement

Given that such an agreement could have a significant impact on foreigners, how necessary is it to protect the interests of Russia? It is ‘somewhat necessary’ said 36.4% of respondents, and  ‘very necessary’ by 35.63%. 27.97% felt the agreement was not necessary at all to protect the interests of Russia.

While the specifics of the agreement were in talks, would Russia’s ‘loyalty agreement’ for foreigners affect how one feels about traveling to Russia? Our findings revealed that up to 37.43% of respondents would feel negative about the agreement when traveling to Russia, while 33.35% would not be affected, however, 29.22% would feel positive about this when traveling to the country.

It is also unclear whether the agreement would apply to tourists and other short-stay visitors or those on long-term visas. 42.87% felt that Russia’s ‘loyalty agreement’ for foreigners should not apply to tourists. On the flip side, 28.62% felt that it should apply to everyone, while 28.52% felt that it should apply to long-term visitors only. 

Fig 2: Visitors that the loyalty agreement should apply to

Hit To Russia’s Travel And Tourism Industry

Fig 3: Would the agreement affect Russia’s travel and tourism industries?

One of the direct impacts would be on Russia’s travel and tourism industry. What impact would Russia’s travel and tourism industry have as a result of the loyalty agreement? A majority, 55.28%, said that it would have a slightly negative impact, while 27.45% felt that it would have a very negative impact. 11.23% felt it would not impact, however, a collective 9.03% said it would have a positive impact on Russia’s travel and tourism industry. 


Survey TitleSurvey on Russia’s ‘Loyalty Agreement’ for Foreigners
DurationOctober 19 – October 26, 2023
Number of Participants6,000
DemographicsMales and females, aged 21 to 99
Participating Countries Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, China, China (Hong Kong) China (Macao), China (Taiwan), Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Greanada, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Libya, Lithuania, Malaysia, Maldives, Maluritania, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar [Burma], Namibia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Zimbabwe.